Learn more about our sustainability strategy, our environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals and what we have achieved to date in our 2022 Sustainability Report.

Sustainability Strategy
Sustainability , which is deeply ingrained in our corporate DNA, has led us to set ourselves ambitious goals for sustainable development.
The battle to mitigate climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our time. That said, striking a healthy balance between growth, prosperity and equity is equally important to social cohesion. Politics, the economy and all of us are called upon to take responsibility by our everyday behavior. We need viable concepts that must be implemented vigorously and with determination, because time is of the essence.
By combining responsible action with innovative solutions and the prudent conservation of resources, we at VTG strive to play our part in achieving a sustainably improved quality of life. We support the United Nations in its efforts to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and give our full backing to the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal.
To this end, VTG has drawn up an integrated sustainability strategy in 2021. Yet our commitment to climate protection goes beyond our core business: We are determined to be a completely carbon-neutral company by 2040.
Our sustainable development goals
We accept responsibility for our daily actions. We do this by setting ourselves clear and ambitious sustainable development goals in three areas: environmental protection, social engagement and responsible corporate governance. Our objectives are aligned with the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals in those areas where we can have the greatest impact and exert the most powerful influence.

Top grades in GRESB sustainability ranking
In 2022, VTG scored 99 out of a possible 100 points against the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB), which measures the sustainability performance of companies and funds in the infrastructure and property sector. We thus ranked 12th out of a total of 649 participating companies worldwide. VTG’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitment received the highest grade – a five-star rating – putting us in the top four percent of sustainable investments. Among the 22 rail companies participating worldwide, VTG also took first place this year for the "Performance" component.